Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where does the time go?

At this time of the year it sure seems to just zip on by!!! I have been busy making home-made gifts this year and hopefully I will actually get some Christmas cards done in time for mailing! If you actually get one this year you will know that I got some finished!! Ha!! I have been burning the midnight oil trying to get my "Stories in Hand" project put together. This was and is such a cool class from Jessica and let me tell you it sure is a romp down memory lane!! So if you missed out on this class you really missed out! I also went and go my hair highlighted and low lighted in 3 different colors and I must say that I am totally happy with the finished product for the first time in a long time! Totally stepped outside the box for me with the color and had fun! The bottom layers of my hair are all a deep Merlot in color which is kinda fun. I finally sat down today and finished a layout that I had started at the Heart and Soul weekend crop which was a while ago. I know, I know, I am still the slowest scrapper in the WORLD!! Lol!! Anyway here it is: Not the best picture of the layout but someday this girly is going to take a class for her fancy camera and then watch out!! LOL!! The photos will be so WOW that I won't know what to do with myself!! HA!!! I have also been working on my studio again and have totally moved stuff around and actually got rid of my huge computer desk! Yes, I had the hubby chop it into small pieces and haul it out of here! I just couldn't take the lack of space anymore!! Those of you that have been in my space will see that in the picture of my scrap table that I have my computer on it! I am so far totally loving it!! Especially while I am working on my "Stories in Hand" class! Makes it so easy to do!! Once I have the room finished, which could be awhile with Christmas and all, I will post some finished photos. I have a long haul ahead of me so hopefully I will get the room finally where I will be happy in it! Oh the struggles of organization in this wonderful world of scrapbooking!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Black Friday!! Tracy


Cricket said...

Love the hair Tracy!!!

ah yes, I remember that came out fabulous!!

Can't wait until Friday...woo hoo!!


Carla said...

Oh my goodness, please tell me that it did NOT take you that long to get that page finsihed? LOL SLOW are SLOW, but WOW its beautiful.
Oh and I love the HAIR!