Friday, March 28, 2008


Everyone has been asking how Mom is doing so I figured I would do a special post and update everyone here. On Easter Sunday night she went back into the hospital having a hard time breathing and having pains again. This time showed no signs of a heart attack but showed signs of pulmonary edema (?not sure I spelt that right). So basically she is filling up with fluid from the heart not working like it should yet. And when she fills up with fluid it is happening suddenly not progressively so medication for keeping the water off would not do the job of keeping it off. While in the hospital she also went into what they call atrial fib which is where the heart rate sky rockets suddenly and can be very taxing on the heart. Again, I am not a doctor so I am just relaying what I understand so please forgive me if I am not using the right terminology, etc.. They have started her on alot of new medications and she was finally stabilized by this last Wednesday that they were able to let her go home which is where she desperately wanted to be. So as of now she is home and will be starting back to Cardiac Rehab this coming Monday. I keep praying that they have finally given her the right combo of meds so that she can live a quality of life now and not have to worry so much, as she is very much so a worrier, that this will happen again to her. She was very much upset that it could come on so sudden like this and that there was nothing she could do to keep it from happening so she has been worrying that it will happen any minute. I just want her to have some peace of mind and be able to enjoy this life while she still can if you know what I mean. We have a new baby coming into the family sometime in April and she so very much wants to be here for that and be around to show this baby how great her love is which to me is a very good reason to keep on keeping on and fighting the good fight! It definitely has given her a reason if one was needed. All of your thoughts and prayers have done the job and I don't know what I would have done without all of your prayers lifting her up into the healing hands of the Lord! I want to thank you all so much for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers because without you I don't think we would have been able to get this far! Love, Tracy

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kaiser Craft!!!

I have been working with this companies product alot lately and I must say that I love how you can totally make it your own. They have all these really cool home decor and craft room stuff made out of wood that you can totally alter with just about anything you want. For the Design Team this month I was given the Scrapbook Organizer for on your scrap desk to organize your ribbons, scissors, glues, paints, etc.. I could pick out any papers that I wanted to use on it so I picked out Kaiser's line of paper that the store had just gotten in entitled Elegance. I thought this paper would best fit with my Shabby Chic Eclectic style that my studio is. It is finished and is in the store on display and has been for the last couple of weeks. I am happy with the way it turned out, now I just have to wait for awhile before it will come home again and get to be put to use on my table! Here are some pics of it so you can get the jist of what it looks like. Again, my pics did not turn out the greatest and I am seriously considering getting a better camera because of course it must be the camera not the user right!! LOL!! Yeah, right!! Maybe I should consider learning about my camera more....hmmmmmm.....that is something to do! LOL!!


Happy Birthday Amy!!

Amy's Birthday was this last Saturday and we got to spend the whole day together just being us and having fun!! We started our day out by going to this really cool little tea shop in Antioch aptly named Infini-Tea!! We had made reservations to have the Royal Treatment which was absolutely mind boggling and stomach filling!! Here is a pick of the layout that I did of our adventure at Infini-Tea......
Next we went over to Hannah's (of course we did!) to see what new had come in to the store that we absolutely needed to have and let me tell you we, as expected, found lots of fun goodies to add to our stash. Plus, as an extra bonus we ran into Carla and Cathy who we got to meet in person for the very first time! It was awesome getting to meet them!! Can't wait to get together Carla and crop!! Next, Amy and I headed out for Archiver's where we cropped till 11pm and just chilled and had fun! That by the way is where I printed my photos of our day and scrapped them. Amy and I had both gotten the Scarlet Lime Kit for this last month and we took it along with us to play with! I must say that this kit has got to be one of the funnest kits I have ever gotten before!! It has such bright and cheery colors that you can't help but enjoy the process when working with them! Can you tell I have found a new happy place with Scarlet Lime?! This kit definitely helped me to stretch myself and try some new things that I normally wouldn't have put together but, once I started playing, it all became so natural! Needless to say we had such an awesome time that it was so hard to say goodbye at the end of the night. We both didn't want the fun to end. I am so happy that I got to spend the day with Amy for her birthday!! Love ya Girl!!
Happily Scrappin',

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

I just wanted to pop in today and wish everyone a very Happy Easter!! We are spending a very quiet day at home this year just putzing around and relaxing. It actually feels good to just stay still for a day if you know what I mean. Hope your Easter Sunday is filled with peace and joy! Happily Scrappin', Tracy

Saturday, March 15, 2008

It Has Been One of Those Weeks!

Sometimes life just throws stuff at you that can be so overwhelming that you just become paralyzed by it! This weeks was one of those weeks! On Sunday night my 75 year old Mother had a heartattack! She was rushed into the emergency room and later was admitted. Thank God they were able to do a heart catherization to repair and unblock the damage. She came home in fighting form on Wednesday to my oldest sisters house and is making her way back slowly but surely. I am so proud of her and her strength. She just amazes me with her energizer bunny attitude! She is like Timex "takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'"! The scarriest part is over but I don't think any of us will be the same and or stop worrying. This paralyzed me and made my think what would I do without my Mom? Nothing was the resounding answer because this literally locked me down and made me not even want to deal without out her in my life! I love her so much and she has always been a huge part of my life! Her leaving would have left such a huge hole that I just don't know if I would have survived it without unimaginable damage! I am so happy to say that today is not the time to have to go through that and I pray that it won't be anytime soon. I know we all have to go someday but please let it be a long time away. I guess I needed to get that off my chest and than some! Now, I need to show you a layout that I did of my Mom and her sister when they were little back in 1933. She loves this layout and kept asking me when I was going to put it on my blog. So here it is Mom, just for you!! I love you Mom with all my heart!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


More snow that is what the weatherman is calling for again tonight!! I really don't know how much more of this stuff I can take and that is saying alot for a girl who is usually the happiest girl on earth when it starts to snow!! I have just reached the end of my proverbial rope per say and can't take anymore doom and gloom! Lol!! I did do something fun this weekend even though it is so blah out. My BFF Amy and I along with my Mom went to our local Archiver's for Scrap Mania and scrapped our little hearts out! I start to get really crabby when I don't get my scrapbooking time and let me tell you it was a much needed night away! I didn't get anymore then my total of one layout done but for the slowest scrapper in the world that is an accomplishment!! I used to go to these crops and only get a layout half finished so in my book I am definitely cruising now!! Ha Ha!! It was alot of fun at the crop as always and I was even lucky enough to win the layout contest! Here is the layout that I did and I have to give Amy some credit here too because the idea for the layout totally came while watching her work on her layout the last time we cropped together.
I just loved the way she was layering her patterned papers that she was using and I thought WOW that is perfect!! She was using a totally different line of paper but you know what I mean by "when you see someone using paper and putting it together a certain way that it just makes that little click noise in your head and the lightbulb comes on!!" well, that is totally what happened! This hobby is so awesome in that manner that we feed off from each others creativity! Amy is such a talented designer and I totally think she is my muse!! Love you Girl!!

Now, I have to tell you, I can't wait till this coming Friday Crop at Hannah's!!! I am just dying for it to be here already!! It is going to be a blast!! This will be the crop to be at in this area, let me tell you, because we are having one of the head Fiskateers coming and co-hosting the crop!! That means lots of goodies and learning some new techniques (which I can not live without!) along with it being time to crown our new "Queen of the Crop"!! Is it Friday yet? Lol!!

OK, enough of my madness for now!
Happily Scrappin',