Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Weekend Away is...........

Priceless in my book!!! The weekend crop in Lake Geneva at The Cove was awesome!! We had so much fun and got to totally space out without any responsibilities and just scrapbook!! I can't wait to do it again!! I got to hang with my awesome Girls and just chill!! Here is a pic of us on our first night away at the resteraunt in the hotel. From left to right: Me, Carla, Amy, Cathy, Cricket, Pat (sitting). I went with the thought in mind that if I finished one layout I would be happy (remember I am the slowest scrapper alive! Lol!!) and by golly that is what I accomplished!! Lol!! I have another one almost finished just need to attach the journaling strips and can call it done. I worked with my latest kit from "Create My Keepsake" which is their November kit. Totally love this kit so of course I got all the add-ons and let me tell you I will be using this kit for awhile because it is totally loaded with goodies!! Here is the layout I finished of my great niece Navarina in her kindergarten pic from 1997! Hopefully in the next couple of days I will have the other layout finished and can then post it. This weekend, on Saturday the 15th, I have an all day crop for SIS at Craft Fancy in Illinois which will be a blast!! I get to see my Girls again and chill with some good food and lots of chatting!! I hope to accomplish a project that I got in my last Scarlet Lime Kit that involves a frame!! That should be a challenge and if I get it done there will be a post with pics! Projects always seem to take me forever and ever. I am bound and determined this one will only take a day dang it!! Lol!! We will see!! And on top of it Craft Fancy is an awesome store with lots of goodies to buy so hopefully I don't shop the whole time! Well that is enough for tonight. Thanks for stoppin' by, Tracy


Cricket said... the layouts!! I had such a blast!! Looking forward to Saturday...been busy getting my stuff packed up again and hoping I'll have a fun new kit to work on!! LOL


Amy Adams (aka Scrapitgal) said...

The LO turned out beaufiful!! Can't wait til Sat!!

Cathy said...

I use to have the claim to the slowest scrapper in the world. Thank goodness I realized that there is someone slower then me! HA!!

I have a great time with you and Amy and the others. Cant wait till we do it again!

Kath W said...

You win the award, hands down, for the slowest scrapper. And I thought I was bad! lol

Love your layout!

Carla said...

OMG..I didnt realize that you only got ONE WHOLE lay out done...dang girl....but it is awesome! Had a BLAST with you guys and cant wait to do it again!

Valerie Chmielak said...

Sounds like you had a great time-how fun! WOW!! A whole weekend and only 1!!! It is gorgeous though!