Saturday, September 13, 2008

Have you joined.......

Got Sketch 102? If you haven't you are missing out!!! And I can tell you that it is still not too late to join, so, what are you waiting for?! Lol!! Just click on the blinkie for it in my side-bar to find out more. Ok, as you can already guess I joined the second I heard there was going to be a 102 because I had taken 101 and totally loved it. I unfortunately didn't have time to actually do any of the 101 sketches but this time around I am trying to correct that by getting my scrappy bum in gear. Here is my first layout that I have done for the class which actually is the pre-class challenge which means I am really behind but hey that is the cool thing about this class.....there are no deadlines!!! I also used one of my Scarlet Lime Kits for this layout as well with a little of my own stash thrown in. I did this layout of my hubby doing what he loves to do which is work out in the yard and the garden (which for us right now is not your typical garden because of renting)making it look absolutely gorgeous for me!! Love that man!! Enjoy, Tracy


Cricket said...

Cute layout Tracy!!! I've not joined that one but will have to check it out!


Carla said...

Tracy, that is an adorable lay out!
Carna wait to see you next weekend GF!