Sunday, February 15, 2009


Today is my 23rd wedding anniversary!! How fast time flies!! I mean literally!! Lol!! I am just amazed that we still got it for each other as much as we do! I always thought when I was a teenager about how do people stay with each other for so long (at that time long to me was more then a year! LMAO!!)! I guess you could say now I know! Anyway, we are going out for a nice dinner later in the evening and just have some us time together. But, right now I am heading off to my LSS Hannah's and getting me some more paint, Claudine's to be exact!! Thank you Nan for turning me onto it!! I am hooked, line and sinker!! I love the richness of the colors and of course the semi-glass of them as well! Awesome paints and let me tell you they go a long way so one jar is gonna last you forever!! Very economical in my book!! I have been making some pretties using this paint and I will post some pics as soon as I get them finished so that you can all see! Have a great Sunday my friend, Tracy


Cricket said...

happy anniversary Tracy!!! Hope you and your honey have a fabulous day!!


Amy Adams (aka Scrapitgal) said...

Happy belated anniversary. You'll have to let me know where you went out to eat. Soooo - you went to Hannah's!! Naughty, naughty!! Can't wait to hear what you got - bet it was more than just paint!!

Carla said...

Well Im a little later here cause I have been a bad blogger, but thats ROCKS that you guys have been together that long and are still in love...good for you girl....hope things are going well!