Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shakin' off the CobWebs!!!!

Wowzer!! It sure has been awhile since I have done some house keeping on my blog and because I don't like excuses I am not going to give you any!! So there! Lol!! Hmmm.....let's see, what have I been doing since my last post? I have been working on a new venture in my life and will hopefully be able to post some info about it soon but right now it is still in the works and very time consuming. Might not be so exciting for you but for me it is!! Oh yeah, I also got a gentle nudge from my buddy Amy to join Facebook and I gave in without a fight and signed up! I am just amazed at how many of my peeps were already over there!! I thought no way does a 40 somthing ol'lady need a Facebook account but I guess as always I was wrong!! There is just way too much stuff over there and the way you can keep up to date with everyone on a daily basis is just mind blowing to me!! So if you can't find me you now know where to look!! Lol!! It is seriously addicting!! Then of course there is my favorite thing to do of all time and that is just surf the net and check out all my friends blogs! I must tell you that today I was doing just that and landed on Vicki's blog and followed a link to a link to a link and laughed my you know what off at this video that I stumbled upon!! OMG!! I just couldn't stop laughing!! Thank you Vicki for putting the link to the Evolution of the Wedding Dance on your blog because it sure made my day!! I will now share with you all the video that I stumbled upon while checking out the link from Vicki's!! Totally hilarious and such a trip down memory lane!! Hope you enjoyed it!!, Tracy


Cricket said...

YAY!!! She is back!!!!! LOL

I jumped for joy when I saw your new header appear this morning..knew that there would be some updating going on!!

Can't wait to hear what your new venture is!! How exciting for you!! and, so glad you joined Facebook!! Love connecting with you there!!


Amy Adams (aka Scrapitgal) said...

Well I was about to come over here and tell you Christmas is so OVER - but looks like you were ahead of me on your HEADER!! LOL!! New venture - am I missing something here??? Is this something I know about - cause like, I AM the BFF that should know this right??? Do I need to get my head out of my butt or what??? Can't wait to show Abbey this U-tube video when she gets home. Loved it!! Oh and Facebook - girlie - UR a mad woman over there! Can't keep up wit ya!! Notice I have few friends??!!

egw44 said...

Happy Holidays! Just wanted to say that your designs are awesome! I have been going to Not Just Scrap almost since Diana first opened the store. She is such a wonderful person. And I just started teaching there a few months ago, Love it!